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Accelerating Breakthroughs in Medical Research

We are Richmond Research Institute - a not-for-profit organisation based in central London. We fund, procure and conduct medical research to save and improve lives.

Do post-COVID-19 patients need a second dose of vaccine?

Individuals who were previously infected produced significantly more antibodies, more rapidly.
This data could inform prioritisation of vaccine administration.

COVID-19 Testing

Testing for COVID-19 is crucial to understand who is infected and therefore a risk to others by spreading the infection.

We are helping to make our community safer by extending testing opportunities to local schools, churches and synagogues.

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Number of people tested


2329 people were tested between 1 to 127 times

283 staff
2045 Volunteers

Number of Tests


PCR Tests


Antibody Tests

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Conducted research

Richmond Research Institute conducts academic research focusing on four key areas:

Cardiac sciences including basic electrophysiology

Drug-induced hepatic injury

Ethnic and sex differences in human physiology

Improvement of clinical trial methodologies to fast-track early patient access to new medicines

The Institute has consolidated a stream of academic research projects arising from the public-private partnership established in 2002 between Richmond Pharmacology and St George's University of London to generate funding for academic research.

richmond research institute

We have a track record in conducting clinical research.


We present our scientific findings at meetings.


Our academic research helps improve lives and strengthens scientific insights.


We work with partners at the following organisations: